Junior Berra Kriz Zamanı Fırsat Oluşturuyor

Junior Berra Kriz Zamanı Fırsat Oluşturuyor

Sebahat Şimşek: “Bazen cesaretlenip risk almak gerekiyor. Biz bu riskin üstesinden gelebileceğimize inandık. Başarılı olmak için risk almak gerekir.” Ticaret hayatına 2017 yılında başlayan Junıor Berra, bünyesinde 1-12 yaş arasındaki kız ve erkek çocuklarına hitap eden tasarımlar barındırıyor. Pijama grubu...
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Zeyland Online Kanallardan Yurt Dışı İletişimini Günçlendiriyor

Zeyland Online Kanallardan Yurt Dışı İletişimini Günçlendiriyor

Zeynep Benli: “ Bundan sonraki süreçte ise dijitalde daha fazla ilerlemek adına online hizmette hem son kullanıcıya hem de B2B olarak toptan alıcıya daha iyi hizmet verebilmek için gerekli çalışmaları yapıyor ve bu kanalı daha fazla büyütmeye...
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Elsima Tekstil Her Zaman Pozitif

Elsima Tekstil Her Zaman Pozitif

Eşref Geyik: “Olaylara her zaman,  pozitif ve net bakıyoruz her şeyi rahat bir şekilde yürütmeye çalışıyoruz. Ekip olarak da böyleyiz. Moral ve motivasyon bizim için son derece önemli.” Çocuk giyiminde Türkiye’nin saygın markalarından o...
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Burda Bebek 2020’de ihracatını ikiye katlayacak

Burda Bebek 2020’de ihracatını ikiye katlayacak

Anne ve bebeklere özel ürünler geliştiren Burda Bebek, yerli üretim gücüyle Ortadoğu başta olmak üzere 40’ın üzerinde ülkeye ihracat gerçekleştiriyor. İhracatta en büyük talebi ihtiyaçlara göre geliştirdikleri biberon grubuna aldıkları...
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The Industry Enters the New Year with a Fresh and Value-Added Beginning with CBM Turkey…

The Industry Enters the New Year with a Fresh and Value-Added Beginning with CBM Turkey…

CBME Turkey International İstanbul Children Baby Maternity Industry Expo that is the most influential “baby and children products exhibition” will be held in Istanbul Expo Centre on 13 – 16 January 2021 for the 39th time. CBME Turkey and İstanbul...
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Fahri Şahin: ‘Textiles Will Have More Importance To E-Commerce After The Pandemic’

Fahri Şahin: ‘Textiles Will Have More Importance To E-Commerce After The Pandemic’

The coronavirus outbreak also adversely affected the textile, garment and fashion sectors. The sector, which turned to the domestic market due to employment and foreign market problems, was breathed with e-commerce. Textile businessman Fahri Şahin made some e...
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Winimo With The Success Story From Adana To Bursa, The Heart Of Textile

Winimo With The Success Story From Adana To Bursa, The Heart Of Textile

Winimo, which marked a lot with its quality of Rekor Tekstil with its product range and experienced team, targets new markets in 2020. How does your product collections work? What inspires you in the design process? Our product range consists of...
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Girls Are So Chic With Pembekelebek’s

Girls Are So Chic With Pembekelebek’s

The Pembe Kelebek’s brand has established in 1975, which is the leader in baby and children’s clothing manufacturer today. In 2006  institutionalization  perion started and production capacity has increased rapidly. Pembe Kelebek’s has an activ...
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Nk Tekstil Offers More Than 1 Million Products Per Year For Different Countries Of The World

Nk Tekstil Offers More Than 1 Million Products Per Year For Different Countries Of The World

NK Tekstil, which has a large collection in the 0-14 age group for boys and girls, takes into account the expectations of each country in which it sends products in design and production stages. How did the NK Kids brand...
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Baby Mio Upgrades Export Graphics By Combining Experience In The Tricket Market With World Trends

Baby Mio Upgrades Export Graphics By Combining Experience In The Tricket Market With World Trends

Founded in 1978 with the aim of producing knitwear and wholesale, the company succeeded to bring its successful vision of the knitwear and textile sector up to daylight through its experience. Showing its success in adapting to the changing sector...
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