Kind + Jugend 2024: Ready for Success

In just one month, Kind + Jugend will return to Cologne from September 3 to 5, 2024, uniting the entire baby and toddler industry. This year’s event promises an enhanced trade fair experience with nearly 1,000 companies from 45 countries, a larger exhibition space, and new concepts.

Established brands, aspiring newcomers, and hidden champions from around the world will present their latest and best-selling products for babies, toddlers, and parents across seven segments. The diverse range includes clothing, toys, furniture, and products for transportation and safety. The current list of exhibitors provides an overview of the participating companies.

“With just a few weeks to go, all signs point to a successful event,” says Jörg Schmale, Director of Kind + Jugend. “We are very pleased with the current roster of exhibitors and excited to welcome back top brands like Artsana/Chicco, Cybes, Done by Deer, Jané, Luvion, and Puky. Their return underscores Kind + Jugend’s position as the industry’s premier business and networking platform. No other event offers such a comprehensive snapshot of the latest trends and innovations,” Schmale adds.

For the first time, this year’s trade fair will be held during the week, from Tuesday to Thursday, to accommodate the retail trade’s needs. “I am eager to see how the new schedule will be received. We’re excited about the inspiring connections and energy this fair will bring back to the industry,” concludes Schmale.

Additionally, the trade fair is involved in social projects. To mark Koelnmesse’s 100th anniversary, 100 products will be donated in partnership with Diakonie Michaelshoven for their fairstore. This initiative allows exhibitors to donate their products to charity at the end of the last trade fair day.

Innovations in Focus

Each year, the Innovation Award recognizes outstanding new products across eight categories. The award is highly regarded among industry professionals and consumers, often contributing to the success of the winning products. This year, there were 116 entries from 22 countries. An international panel of independent experts will choose the finalists and announce the winners at a special ceremony held at 11 a.m. on the first day of the trade fair in the Trend Forum. The additional Midwives’ Choice award will also be presented in partnership with Three products nominated for the Innovation Award are eligible to receive this distinction based on properties and benefits that meet the requirements set by the jury of midwives.

All award-winning and nominated products will be exhibited in a dedicated area during the trade fair. For the first time, it will also feature a photo gallery of the winning products from the Kind + Jugend ASEAN Innovation Award (Bangkok) and Pueri Trends Award from FIT 0/16 and Pueri Expo (São Paulo). The exhibition will give trade visitors an overview of the best innovations in the baby and toddler industry across three continents.

The Trend Forum – Inspiring Special Events and In-Depth Expertise

Exhibitors and trade visitors can look forward to cutting-edge topics, comprehensive knowledge, and extensive industry experience in the Trend Forum. It provides a platform for knowledge exchange on current issues and challenges facing both industry and retail trade. Renowned speakers will discuss critical trends and developments in the industry, alongside engaging panel discussions on key topics such as sustainability, social media, and marketing strategies.

Highlights of the three-day trade fair include one-on-one consultations with TrendBible experts, talks by Karin Wahl on window display and product presentation, and special sessions by The full event program can be found on the trade fair website.

This year’s trade fair will introduce new dedicated areas designed to spark fresh inspiration among retailers. One highlight is the Novelties Trail, showcasing products launched within the past year not seen at the last Kind + Jugend, providing a compact overview of the most promising newcomers in the industry. Another is the networking area, offering more space and opportunities for personal exchange and conducting business.

From Young Visionaries to Established Players

Kind + Jugend welcomes both well-known brands and promising newcomers with innovative ideas. The Young Innovators area presents many German companies that have entered the market within the last ten years. Supported by the namesake program of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), these companies have the opportunity to present their offerings and groundbreaking ideas to an international trade audience. The start-up area showcases young companies from around the world with great potential still in the early stages of development. Both exhibition areas were fully booked months ahead of the trade fair.

The diverse mix of global market leaders and innovative newcomers transforms Kind + Jugend into a hub of inspiration, offering fascinating insights into the future of the industry.